Tooth Facts

online dental consultation

How we successfully hacked Dental consultations online

Online consultations in dentistry are becoming popular among patients and dentists alike...

Smile Design : Dental treatments for your uninterrupted smile!

Welcome to DentOp! Your dental design clinic. With some of the best...

DentOp Dental Care: Best dental Clinic in Navi Mumbai

It seems like a bit of exaggeration, isn't it? Well, read on, and by the end, we will be on the same side...

7 workplace habits wrecking your teeth

Ranging from stress due to work, to biting on pens or pencils while concentrating and the coffee...

Re-treatment? What is the next step?

Got a root canal done for the same tooth multiple times? Has the pain not gone yet, or is the gum boil...

The iceberg effect: broken teeth and how to save them

Surprised? What has an iceberg have to do with teeth other that the sensitivity on consuming “iced” drinks....

Why is it important to check before you eat?

Well! There might be multiple reasons for that. Including that it is as important it is to keep...

It's not (just) about your teeth

You might have heard it pretty often: The usual stuff that dentists say. Don’t ignore your teeth. Your teeth are part of your body, and that your oral health...

The tooth you never had: are they hidden inside?

Do you not have your complete set of 32? Well! It’s pretty common. Most people have a few teeth missing.

Decoding the first dental appointment

“Free Dental Consultation” A banner seen often in front of dental clinics. Seems tempting right?...

Tooth cavities Vs Gum Diseases..

Are all the diseases of the mouth same? Is toothache the only symptom you can have in mouth? Are all the diseases in the mouth related...

The stir, swishing has caused: How mouthwash helps

A recent research by Cardiff university* has shown that using certain kinds of mouthwash can help kill COVID-19.

Managing Tooth Pain Without Visiting a Dental Clinic

In the current situation, most of the dental clinics around the world are open only for emergency treatments.

Winter is coming: smile uninterrupted with these tips

Winter can be harsh on your oral health. From sores to tooth sensitivity to reduced immunity resulting in increased...

To eat or not to eat……

A question asked a lot many times, and extremely relevant too. Which of your treatments have dietary restrictions and for what treatments you just don’t need....

ROOT CANAL: Why is it so common and can it be avoided?

“You need a root canal for the tooth” A statement said and heard too often at a dental clinic....

What are artificial dental crowns and can they be avoided?

Ever visited a dentist for some dental issue and you have been told that you need a crown? I was re....

How to mend a broken tooth?

Time is NOT the best healer for a broken tooth. In fact, the earlier you act, the easier it might be to treat a broken tooth.A broken tooth has multiple treatment....

Can a dentist help you with your bad dreams?

Surprised? Thought dentistry was only about drilling and fillings? Known medically as sleep....

All you need to know about mouth ulcers

Mouth ulcers are one of the most common type of ulcers and are the easiest to detect. Along with hav....

10 reasons of toothache and why you shouldn’t self-medicate a symptom

Surprised? Thought dentistry was only about drilling and fillings?....

Let’s brush up: Is the way you brush damaging?

Any amount of importance given about the correct brushing technique is less. It is the single most....

Wisdom Tooth: When should you get it pulled off?

A pretty common experience with people who have ever visited a dental clinic for “tooth pain and swelling ....

The ultimate cheat sheet for your healthy mouth

Other than smoking or substance abuse, known to damage the mouth, there are lots of lesser known practices that ....

Love to chew from one side? OR is it a necessity?

Recently I was suffering from severe gum swelling in my tooth! My gums were sore and they hurt very bad....

How close are your teeth to your heart?

In the figurative sense ask this question to yourself. For the literal understanding of it, we are here to help you out!....

Overdentures: save your remaining teeth to protect your jaw bone

The most common cause of loss of teeth is bad oral hygiene and gum diseases ....

Are you all charged up?

Electro galvanism is frequently the cause of lack of concentration and memory, insomnia, psychological problems, tinnitus, vertigo, epilepsy. ....

Bridge Vs Implants: What’s best for you?

Every day we see patients that have missing teeth. Sometimes they have been recently extracted and other times....

Gum diseases: All you need to kNOw

Around 60% of the global population suffers from gum diseases Gum diseases might not show any symptom initially....

What makes your tooth pain so bad?

Toothache…. it’s one of the worst kinds of pain known to mankind. This is added with the fact that it generally occurs....

Can stress “HURT” your teeth?

We all know stress is bad for health and wellbeing. But did you know that stress not only effects your general health but also your teeth?....

Tooth Cavities: can they REALLY be ignored?

You get up in the morning and sleepily brush. You see a small black spot in your tooth!! Panic and brush vigorously....

Patient Centric Health Reform – “Mevolution”

So, we got a new word “Me” evolution. Mevolution – an evolution of “me”dicine towards a more “me” centric approach....

Tongue Scrapers – Are they really required?

The mouth hosts more than 1 million different kinds of bacteria. Sounds gross? Well, all of them aren’t bad....

7 Steps for a Healthy Mouth

Brush twice daily: One of the most effective and easiest way of maintaining good oral hygiene is brushing. Brushing correctly twice a day helps in preventing....

Xerostomia!! What??

Ok, it’s just throwing around big words. Xerostomia is nothing but Dry Mouth. Seems pretty straightforward, right? But, it isn’t really so.....

Are You a Mouth Breather?

Breathing is an involuntary process, that can also be controlled consciously. There are two airway passages to the lungs, the nose and the mouth....

Why should you replace missing teeth?

The teeth are one of the few things that can cause trouble in both presence or absence. If you have missing teeth....

Do you have a Gummy Smile?

Do you feel that an excess of the gums when you smile overshadow the appearance of your front teeth making them look smaller?....

Is your toothbrush dirtier than you think?

Even though the toothbrush is the most frequently used oral hygiene devices; it could be the dirtiest too.....

Ageing and Oral Health

It has been a longstanding misconception that tooth loss is inevitable. With proper care, teeth can last for your entire lifetime. As with other parts....

Dental sealants: are they meant for you?

The back teeth (molars) do not have a smooth chewing surface. They consist of surface irregularities known as pits....

Why do you have tooth sensitivity?

Ever experienced a sharp shooting pain when having your favorite ice-cream or cold drink? Does eating something....

DentOp – How we made online consulting possible

DentOp – How we made online consulting possible its set of conventional style of working. With changing times....

All the wisdom for your wisdom teeth

With age not only do you get wisdom…. But, also wisdom teeth. They are known as wisdom teeth because generally....

How do unhealthy gums affect your body?

Your mouth is the gateway to your body. Unhealthy gums are an indication of an unhealthy body. Your food plays a major....

All you need to know about Root Canal

Root canal is by far the most common treatment done for teeth. The questions are, Why is root canal required?....

Mouth ulcers and how to deal with them

You eat something spicy and suddenly feel a burning sensation at a particular point in the mouth. Surprised? It might be an ulcer....

Going to bed without brushing? REALLY!

Brushing is the best way of protecting your shiny beautiful teeth. But that’s not all. Just get lazy and skip a session....

When to visit a dentist for your child?

Your child's first visit to the dentist should be when the child is 6 months old or the first tooth erupts. This is a good practice....

How important are healthy gums for good oral health?

Healthy gums are an integral part of a prefect smile. When flashing a smile the gums that....

Time for Teeth(ers)? Relieve Teething Agony

It’s the time of agony for the kid and helplessness for the parent. When the teeth start teari....

Are your mistakes putting your life on the line?

Medical mistakes are among the leading causes of death. The good news! They are avoidable. It might be....

Teething issues: Great oral hygiene habits before teething

Although the first milk tooth is seen in the mouth around 6 to 9 months of age, oral hygiene practices should start before that.....

Teething issues: Teeth present in newborns?

We all imagine newborns to give a cute toothless grin. You might be in for a surprise! There are a few small....

Teething issues: Embracing the Journey

Being a parent can be tough and enduring by itself. Teething might add up to making it even tougher. In this series....

Why is it important that antibiotics be used responsibly?

Consumption of antibiotics can not only affect you as an individual, but also the entire human community....

Top 9 reasons you grind your teeth

When you Clench or grind your teeth, it is known as bruxism. The person is generally unaware of it and can ....

Tricks to maintain your great smile

Spread the joy you feel with your smile. A good smile doesn’t only increase your confidence but also looks ....

Why do teeth get sensitive and how to deal with it?

Are you missing out on heavenly food because of dental discomfort? Has brushing become a painful task....

Evaluating services through feedback

This is the last post in the series of Mevolution- making an informed decision about your health care.....

8 tips for Gleaming Teeth

Are your pearly whites not that white anymore? Yellowing of teeth is generally a slow process and can easily be overlooked....

How to choose your health care provider

Choosing your doctor can be a challenge. Even though you might have been going to the same doctor for years....

Bad Breath? Know If You Have It And How To Deal With It.

What’s worse than having bad breath? Not knowing about it. Mouth is a very personal space....

Mevolution - Shared Decision Making Process

Although everyone might not want an active role in their care and treatment, most surveys suggest that a majority...

Mevolution - Contribution Towards Greater Involvement

What are the main contributing factors that determine your health? Your own habits, external factors or a combination of both...

Patient Centric Health Care Reform Importance

Reforms,especially relating to health care are not created in a day and not by a handful of people....

Why is care of milk teeth important and how to do it?

Most of us believe that since milk teeth are going to fall off within a few years, it might not be as....